

Surf: 2.6 ft at 14.8 s from the SW at 219°. South winds. Outgoing tide.

The swell has really died down this week. We drove around a while looking for something breaking. There was one corner that looked pretty dang good, but there were a lot of people on it and it’s a spot not known for it’s party waves. Back up north things has a little bit of wind on them. The tide was coming in and it didn’t look too bad so we paddled out.

I surfed terribly. I was struggling with the steep closeouts, even on these little waves. Ahh well. Once the tide came up, I got into a better groove. In the mean time, there were dolphins and whales all over the place so there was plenty to watch. A dolphin cruised right past Chris and a couple whales jumped out of the water on their way north.