PM: Ocean Beach


Surf: 2.6 ft at 8.3 s from the WNW at 296°

Got a text from Tim after the morning surf saying he was paddling out further north. I was still in my wetsuit so figured, why the hell not?

Sure I was totally exhausted, and the first 45 min or so was steep closeouts (not super fun on the hull), but man am I glad I went back out. I eventually got some fun ones when the tide started heading back out. It’s nice to know that surfing that hull at ocean beach is possible. I’d given up after the last round of faceplants, but hey, there was some change for swish in all that whomp.

I swapped boards with Tim for a bit. He managed to get barreled on my hull. I didn’t scratch into anything on his 5’8. Nice watching someone surf my board well.

After wearing myself totally out, slammed some wings and pizza at Pizza Place. Nom. Good day.

HSBG Saturday


Surf: 3.0 ft at 16.0 s from the S at 175° and 3.0 ft at 7.7 s from the WNW at 300°.

Another weekend in the sun? Yes PLZ. Tim and I headed out to Ocean Beach. With HSBG parking was a mess so we parked the first place we found, paddled out at the first wave we found. It was pretty fun! Super cruisey, super forgiving, sunshine, and an optical illusion that made all the boats look like tiny toys.

Got a couple huge compliments from Tim on my surfing, which really made my day.

Afterwards, we grabbed some snacks and headed to HSBG. Music in the park. <3 Screen Shot 2013-10-11 at 3.37.41 PM
Photo by tim

Screen Shot 2013-10-11 at 3.36.13 PM
Photo by brien

Beach day Sunday



Surf: 4.6 ft at 12.9 s from the NW at 309°. Outgoing tide. Light onshore winds.

Super fun beach day today. Friends brought their beach blankets and their kiddos for lots of family fun. We bodysurfed a ton, made sandcastles, and surfed a little too. The swell was coming up pretty fast. I was surprised how much was showing this early. Plenty closed out, but still fun. I got a couple of really fun ones on Brien’s Mitsven. That board is smooooth. I also shouted a heads up to a woman laying on her board watching the shore and not watching the incoming set. She still got tossed pretty good, but at least she knew it was coming 😉

Afterwards hit the Pizza Place and Polly Ann Ice cream. Mmm. Couldn’t ask for a better weekend.