Wild Wildlife

Surf: Knee-Waist High. Junky.

Pretty low expectations once again exceeded. Spent about 4 hours paddling around catching waves here and there, running in to friends. In the last hour or so of the session I was looking out to sea and saw a pretty big something jump pretty far away from us. Something big with a white belly and some serious heft.

Since it’s shark week on discovery, I’m not going to speculate. The ocean’s plenty wild and this season’s been rather active for animals of all sort. It spooked a few people, the rest of us kept on surfing. Seeing a quick glance of something very far away isn’t enough to know what is was. Dolphin, whale, big fish. Whatever it was it was far off and doing it’s ocean wildlife thing.

To put it in perspective I’ve surfed over a hundred times, once seen something like this and once been in the water when someone else had experienced something like this. It’s their ocean, the fishes, the mammals, the critters, and the plants. I’m doing my best to be considerate of them and I certainly hope they return the favor.

Sunset Monday

Surf: Knee high with some pretty strong sideshore winds. Rideable.

Snuck out for another afternoon session before the brunt of this week’s work is expected to hit. There was a small group just tearing up this peeling wave at the middle of the beach. Nose riding, all that fancy stuff.

I drifted more to the north, getting some decent rides in. One right in to the sand. One left on the outside wave, then jumping back for a peeling right on the inside. More barefoot surf time in. Good way to kick off the week!

Another Sunny Friday

Surf: Knee high waves, inconsistent and a little crumbly.

Work this week was pretty brutal. After finishing my project I race out the door and on to the waves. Little crowded out there but catchable and offering a few good rides here and there. The mellow waves this summer has offered up are proving some long rides and a great connection to the inside waves. Nearly all my rides were right to the beach. More barefoot surfing. We’ll see if I can hold out all summer.

Didn’t eat anything all day. Thoroughly DEMOLISHED some tacos after.

That’s more like it

Surf: Waist high, surprisingly well shaped given the wind, warm water FULL of jellies.

Headed out after work with low expectations. Water was still warm and the waves had shaped up since the day before.

Plenty of fun rides. Lots of nice little lefts and sections to chase. I managed to somehow park myself in a complete swarm of little jellies just as it was getting darkish and hard to see. Yick yick. Surfing barefoot with jellies is a littler slippery.

All and all, pretty low expectations were exceeded. Grabbed some Pho after to round out the night. Score!

Funky morning

Surf: Knee high and junky.

Not every surf session can be awesome. This one was pretty meh. Tide was too low, waves were closed out. All and all a disorganized mess. However it was a very successful “get up WAY earlier than normal to paddle out at 6am” attempt. I got up way earlier and paddled out for sure. Heard rumors of some wildlife activity in the water. All I spotted were a few dolphins playing, but always grateful to the SRC for their updates.


Surf: Waist high waves. A few chest high sets. Warm water.

It’s amazing how warm water can really brighten up a surf session. Had some pretty low expectations for this post work surf, but man was it worth it.

The air and water were so warm I skipped the booties for a barefoot ride.

It was pretty dang fun out there. Managed to get a little air on one wave and stick the landing. It was a total fluke so I laughed all the way in to the beach. Also got a nice long ride on a pretty sizeable wave compared to what I usually pick up. Head High according to Max.

I paddled back to Max and Chris hooting that I’d made it. I tend to go for the little waves no one else wants but was perfectly set up for that one. It was bumpy, a little funky, and I wasn’t sure I was going to make it, but I got it. 😀

We surfed till sunset and packed up in the dark.

I love summer and I’m having a lot of fun rocking the single fin.

Nice little morning

Surf: Knee/Waist high with a few chest high waves.

One thing I love about summer is these small wave mornings is most folks sleep in allowing me to camp out on a tiny little peak and pick off tiny little waves to my heart’s content.

I’ve taken the side bites off my 9’4 to try riding it as a single fin. It’s actually pretty fun and (I think) helping me pull a tighter bottom turn on my lefts. Those lefts are getting better and better all the time. Yay.

Not too shabby for my 100th time surfing. (At least 100 according to wordpress, I’m too busy goofing off in the water to count) 🙂

Rough Morning

Surf: Shifty poorly formed closeouts. Waist to Shoulder high waves. Choppy, sloppy.

My first day back in the water after two weeks in dry dock. Unexpected trip home and the week of work to recover from it.

Chris and I cruised the coast trying to find something worthwhile to surf. The jetty wasn’t breaking, the usual spots were looking less that lovely. After about 40 min of checking we swing back to Linda Mar.

Managed to get a few quick rides in between closeouts but the big story of the day was a great surfing first aid rally by the 8 or so of us out in the water.

A real big set came through that I was barely able to scratch over. I could barely hear the sound over the booming closeouts, but I manage to make out a faint “help”. Another surfer had been hit by his board in the head and was bleeding considerably. I yelled to Chris who was able to help him get in to shore. I bellied in and ran for my first aid kit.

David, another surfer out, is an ER doc and was able to patch the guy up. We got him cleaned up, calmed down, and off to the hospital for 9 stitches and to rest off a mild concussion.

It was a bit of a spook, but I was really impressed how quickly folks were able to come to the rescue. I’m still on the hunt for a proper surf rescue class somewhere, but knowing that most of the folks I surf with have first aid kits to spare is a little comforting.

Sunday sun

Surf: Waist high, mushy and barely breaking.

Pretty mellow morning out there. Little crowded, barely breaking, but the sun was out and I managed to meet up with a few friends and run into friends of friends.