Small waves


Surf: 3.3 ft at 11.4 s from the W at 264°

Fun little waves today! We only had a chance for a quick pre-meeting surf, but the waves were small, frequent, and lined up just right that I could practice my cross step a bit. Super super fun. I managed to ride most of one way on one foot, ha. I got stuck trying to cross step, started to step back, then decided “nah, I can step forward” and started to go forward again before changing my mind again. 🙂

Nice to get some real practice in.



Surf: 4.3 ft at 13.8 s from the WNW at 284°

The morning started out with heavy fog in the city, but beautiful sun down at Linda Mar. Surf was a little smaller, but still decent.

The surfmobile died on the way back. Big cloud of smoke going back up highway 1, then it barfed out oil on the 280. Hung out on the side of the freeway waiting for a tow.


Fun loggy morning


Surf: 6.2 ft at 14.8 s from the W at 279°.

Hooo boy, that was fun. That was a much better combo of longboard + waves. Got some decent size for fun swooping ling rides, but not so much size or whomp that it wasn’t fun on the longboard. Although there was a little bit of crowd navigation, there were lots and lots of waves. Man, I needed that. The rest of the day was tough, but at least I got a few waves.

Even more frustrated


Surf: 4.3 ft at 12.1 s from the NW at 304°

After being frustrated on my fish, I decided to take my log out. All of the forecasts suggested small waves. I should have checked the buoys because it was not small at all. Uff. For the most part, the thrashing wasn’t that bad. Being inside for a few waves I expected to be brutal, wasn’t too bad. I was getting frustrated not really getting any waves. I got a few drops into a closeout, but nothing really fun. Towards the end I got pretty wrecked. I had a wave where I just wasn’t coming up and wasn’t coming up. The big old log was dragging me in the worst part of the inside to get drug in. I had to really stop and remind myself not to gasp and suck in water. Not fun.

I paddled back out, hoping to redeem myself, but wound up dropping on on someone. I figured between being sick and being tired, I should cut myself some slack and head in. Ugg. Not fun. I could really use a win on the surfy front before hawaii. :\



Surf: 4.6 ft at 11.4 s from the NW at 309°. High tide. Light winds.

Oh MAN. So frustrated today. Waves were a little soft with the tide, but come on. I just couldn’t get going. I managed to pick off some quick-dying shoulders but nothing FUN. Then on top of that, I had more than a few people take off without looking nearly right on top of me. Uff. Ufffff. I think I might need to take my longboard out for the rest of the week. I need a win.

At least there was a friendly note on my car to cheer me up.


Chilly bodysurf


Surf: 4.3 ft at 9.1 s from the NW at 321°. Windy! Cold!

I was so confident in the mehness of the waves today, I only brought the fins. While freezing cold with the wind, it was pretty fun! Splashed around a while and spent the rest of the day trying to thaw out. Brr.

Make up surf


Surf: 3.3 ft at 10.8 s from the W at 273°. High tide. Light wind.

That’s more like it. Clean conditions, light wind. Much better. Of course, I was still surfing terribly, but hey, we’re halfway there. I struggled for ages to find a good spot since the waves were a little soft and the crowd was a little tricky. Eventually the tide eased off and I had a better time snagging the inside waves for a few fun rides.

Afterwards did a little sketching.



Surf: 3.9 ft at 12.1 s from the WSW at 253°. Windy. Awful.

I was so beat after last night’s concert that I slept in. But hey, I didn’t have work to do any I had my gear at the office, why not try again in the afternoon? Well, I evidently missed all the good stuff. It was windy and terrible and I was just not feeling it. I paddled halfway out, watched someone get a wobbly messy wave, paddled back in, waited a bit, got about halfway out again and said EHHHHHH, I’d rather go home and order pizza. So I did. Shrug.

More fog


Surf: 5.3 ft at 16.0 s from the W at 272°. Low tide.

Today was a bit more surfable. Less size, almost like a shoulder here and there. Got lots of waves. Since it was still a little closed out, I spent a few waves trying to see how far up on the rail I can put my fish. It can go pretty far before I fall on my face 😀

Drove around a little checking out other spots. The Devil’s Slide tunnel was doing some cool foggy things, but the surf spots were looking closed out and windy. Too bad.

Orange fish is back!


Surf: 5.3 ft at 17.4 s from the W at 270°. Incoming tide.

Got my fish back from Sunset. All patched up and ready for action. Unfortunately, it took me a solid hour or more before I got back into the swing of things. Surf was closed out and pretty solid size. I was not digging it. Eventually the tide came up and I was able to snag a few waves, finally. It was actually really fun once their started being a shoulder to work with. Wheeee. I missed turning.