Saturday in Mexico – Late afternoon/sunset

Surf: waist high close outs, waist-shoulder high

Started as a blown out desperado session of waist high closeouts after many tecates. Despite strong offshore winds the heat lured me in. When Ed arrived the wind started to mellow and we hit Burros.

I blew my first five waves. Sigh. Too much tecate.

The waves and I both shaped up and I got some great rides in. It was a little crowded (can a single break really hold SIX stand up paddle boards?) but still lots of fun.

Got in another sunset before heading back to the house. They had made the most amazing feast of fish, octopus, veggies and rice. Just when I couldn’t possibly eat any more: ice cream. Amazing!

Saturday in Mexico – Early am

Surf: Waist-Shoulder, glassy, long lulls.

After last night’s fun session we decided to catch a few more in the early morning. A few people were already on it, but still fun. Could of folks in the lineup were at La Lancha yesterday.

I could see lots of fish. Schools of medium sized fish with yellow tails, smaller needly fish, Larger darting silver finned fish. Petty cool.

Got lots of fun rights in. There was a woman on a longboard just killing it. She had the best grab rail cutback and stayed right in the curl the whole time. Nice!

Friday in Mexico – Sunset: Stoked!

Surf: waist-head high, glassy with a little chop, long lulls.

Brilliant surf today. Wow. Between La Lancha and my first paddle out at Burros proper, I am completely stoked. Super stoked!

I got so many swooping big rights, it was awesome. Swoop swoop swoop, pumping down the face for loooooong rights. Beaut. Plenty of time to walk all over that big board.

I finally stayed out for a real sunset session. As amazing as dinner always is, I wanted those waves that much more. Brian, Robert and I stayed out well past the crowd and paddled in just after the sun disappeared behind the cliff.

Ed hung out for dinner and drinks. Louis made a bonfire. What a perfect day.

Tuesday in Mexico – Mid day


Surf: Waist-shoulder high. Little bit of wind. Shifty.

Surfed a bit after breakfast. My arms we so sore. Need to remember to stretch before paddling out there times a day.

Caught a few fun ones. Decided to switch things up after a bit on the 9’6. Paddled out on the little 5’10 twin fin fish. Even with jello arms it seemed to paddle okay. I caught a few waves and blew them on the pop up before finally getting a real ride in. Very stoked. Arms, mega jello.


Tuesday in Mexico – Early am


Surf: Waist-Shoulder high. Slightly glassy. Mellow.

Early morning solo paddle out. Swell has come down a little from yesterday, but still plenty fun. Lots of peaky rights, swoopy turns, and sunshine. Robert paddled out a little later and snagged a few. Had a nice right where I swooped up high and dropped in for a big bottom turn around him.

Lovely pre-breakfast session.