Solo Bolinas


Surf: 8.9 ft at 13.8 s from the WSW at 253°. Outgoing.

Headed north for a little weekday getaway. There was a torrential downpour pretty much from sunup to sundown Monday that made for an exciting drive up there. The mist and the rain was just beautiful going over Tam. Wow. I wish I could have gotten a picture of that but I was a little busy driving around mudslides and through streams that decided the road was the best place to be.

By Wednesday things had calmed down enough that we thought we’d give it a shot. Chris wound up feeling under the weather so I headed out on my own.

I don’t love when the water is murky, especially up here, but I thought “There’s plenty of people out, it won’t be too bad.” Unfortuantely, all those people paddled in just as I paddled out. Doh! With the rain there was so much sediment I couln’t even see my knees in the water. It was spooky. The waves were breaking a little better futher out, but every time I started to get too far from shore, I thought better of it. Finally I saw another surfer. I paddled over to say hi. It wasn’t another surfer. It was a sea lion who was entirely uninterested in catching waves. Oops.

After a few waves another woman paddled out and we made the most of the funky waves. They would rear up, then back off. Not that unusual for this spot, but great when you can just hop on the next one because there’s no one around already on it!

Post session I found enough silt in my wetsuit to build a sandbar. All this rain brough down plenty of sediment!

Surfing while I can


Surf: 5.3 ft at 12.9 s from the WNW at 282°

I tried to pack in as many mornings as I could this week. I know the rain will be back and I know work will pick up again. It’s been hard to get out!

Thankfully we had a relatively uncrowded corner this morning to work with. If I’m only going to get out once and a while, having space to catch all the waves I can is pretty nice. Like yesterday, there were plenty of closeouts and like yesterday there were a few gems. I’m just so happy to be out that it doesn’t matter if I’m kicking out right away. Getting in the water is better than getting to my desk early.



Surf: 4.3 ft at 14.8 s from the W at 274°

This morning there were pink puffy floating over San Francisco in celebration of Valentines day. The surf was a little more closed out than I’d expected. Chris and I picked a northerly corner to work away at. Most of the waves closed out right away, but there were a few gems in there. I saw Chris get what started out as a great looking one, right in the spot. Then the whole wave just hucked right over into the shallows. Ahh well. Sweet tart candy hearts. <3

Late and windy


Surf: 6.2 ft at 9.1 s from the WNW at 283°. Breezy.

I couldn’t quite decide wha tI wanted to do with this sunny weekend. I did some hiking, I did a little painting. I loafed around and finally did some surfing.

Naturally, things were already starting to get a little windswept and a little funkier by the time my lazy self got to the beach. The weather was great though, especially after being couped up from weeks of rain and work.