Borrowed Leash


Surf: 5.9 ft at 13.8 s from the W at 265°. High and incoming tide. Side/onshore winds.

Since I snapped my leash last time, I borrowed one of the heavy duty leashes I bought for Chris afer he’d snapped two leashes in a row. Holy crap those things are SERIOUS. I can’t remember the brand off the top of my head. They’re solid. It felt like I was dragging a pile of kelp behind me, but hey, it didn’t break! I was explaining the situation of me buying Chris this leash after he’d snapped one to Don who said “Don’t ever send her out to buy you a gun, she’ll bring back a cannon.” I might’ve overdone it.

Heavy as it was, the leash didn’t slow me down too much. I got a few fun waves and Jeff got some photos of Chris and I from the beach. Fun stuff!




Check out Jeff’s photos on Instagram.