Looking good


Surf: 3.6 ft at 16.0 s from the W at 275°. High tide and falling. ENE winds.

Swell had really come up from yesterday. More than I was really comfortable on my log. I really wanted to take my fish out, but missing a fin would have been about as bad as having too much board.

But it was clean and pretty, so I paddled out. The paddle out was actually pretty easy. There was the usual too soft outside, too steep inside problem to contend with, but overall I wasn’t really getting anything because of my own headgame. Uff, it’s frustrating. I don’t really like surfing ocean beach. Yeah, it’s a better shape, but sometimes it’s not that much fun. Ehh.

After getting a few poorly-surfed waves, I went further down the beach to watch the crowd surf it much better than I could. That was pretty fun. Folks were getting some really nice ones. It was also a little reassuring to see people blow waves too, it’s not just me.

Watching from the beach had the added bonus of listening to all the next-shift surfers in the dunes freaking out at how good the surf looked. After how small it’s been, people were practically skipping across great highway. 🙂 Yay for happy surfers.