Thursday Evening


Surf: 2.0 ft at 11.1 s from the S at 182°

After dim sum and shave ice, I was beat. I really wanted to go back to Ala Moana, but I also really wanted to sit in the hot tub and nap in a beach chair. So I did! Zzz. After that, went out for a few more waves in Waikiki. It was lovely out, but man, I was so tired. I got some sloppy waves before winding up paddling in when it got dark because I just couldn’t get that last good wave in I wanted. Ahh well. Warm water! Still can’t beat that. 😀

Thursday Afternoon



Surf: 2.3 ft at 12.5 s from the SSW at 193°

So glassy smooth. Wow! Aside the morning’s minor setback, we scored some seriously amazing waves today. Glassy, not terribly crowded, a little smaller than yesterday but wave after wave after wave and plenty of sun. There was one just brilliant set where I got a big fast one. I’m not sure I kept my stance for that one, but wheee was it fun. Man o man, what a nice surf session.

Thursday Morning


Surf: 1.6 ft at 11.8 s from the S at 190°. High tide.

Up early for more Waikiki waves. Got up, grabbed our gear off the balcony, and headed down to the beach. With the high tide, things were a bit mushy, but still pretty fun. Swissh swissshhhh.

Unfortunately post-session we returned our gear to the balcony and discovered the car was gone. The hotel towed it. Ooops. A quick uber and a couple hundred bucks later and we were back in business.