HSBG Saturday


Surf: 3.0 ft at 16.0 s from the S at 175° and 3.0 ft at 7.7 s from the WNW at 300°.

Another weekend in the sun? Yes PLZ. Tim and I headed out to Ocean Beach. With HSBG parking was a mess so we parked the first place we found, paddled out at the first wave we found. It was pretty fun! Super cruisey, super forgiving, sunshine, and an optical illusion that made all the boats look like tiny toys.

Got a couple huge compliments from Tim on my surfing, which really made my day.

Afterwards, we grabbed some snacks and headed to HSBG. Music in the park. <3 Screen Shot 2013-10-11 at 3.37.41 PM
Photo by tim

Screen Shot 2013-10-11 at 3.36.13 PM
Photo by brien