

Surf: 3.6 ft at 9.1 s from the NW at 319°. Offshore winds (S).

Lindy was looking might flat so we kept hunting. While our alternative spot was looking mighty nice, it was also breaking very far inside pretty much on to the sand.

If there’s one thing I’m not fond of, it’s shallow water. Uff.

I watched folks get lovely rides, kicking out before the shorebreak whomp, but I just could not get into anything to save my life. I was struggling and struggling.

I got into a few, lined up with the face, and got swallowed whole by the close out a few seconds later. Ouch.

One upside of the morning, Chris mentioned that I”m getting pretty speedy on my orangefish. That’s a big change from feeling like I was paddling in slow motion when I started out on it. Zip zip zip. Now I just gotta commit to my waves instead of backing out cause it’s too shallow/closed out/blue/excuse of the day.