

Surf: 3.6 ft at 10.8 s from the NW at 316°. Light winds.

I tried to pull off a “surf before going to an all day professional conference” move this morning. I’m not sure it worked. Chris picked me up on the way to the beach, but all and all it was a really narrow window of about an hour to catch some waves.

Waves were decent sized and holding up nicely, but holy crap was it crowded. I’d sort of hoped the new parking permits would discourage a few of the more casual surfers, but no. The lineup was swamped. Lots of people not looking where they were going on top of it.

I got half a wave heading in to check on Chris who’d broken another leash string, but other than that I didn’t really get anywhere. It was super frustrating. :\

Oh well. At least the workshops for my conference weren’t half bad.