Afternoon wave

^This is actually from 8/3, but the conditions and crowd were about the same.

Surf: 2.3 ft at 15.4 s from the SSW at 196°. Incoming tide.

After lunch and picking up Beamer’s van from summer camp, we headed out for a few more waves.

It was crazy crowded out there. We opted for the hook to get some shortboard time in, but the place was pretty mobbed. I watched a crew of guys get wave after wave. It was kind of nice to watch the good loggers do their thing after my class this morning. Okay, there’s the left-go-right drop. Okay, now he’s right in the pocket and stepping up.

While that’s great for thinking, it was tough for actually surfing. I got a few short mushy waves that went wide, but everything else I had to pull out of to let a logger through.

Finally one of the older guys called me in to one. Wooooo. It was little, but just right for me to zip zip zip on the fish. I got around a section, I did a little bitty floater. It was enough to make it worth sticking around for the extra session. After that I bellied in and headed home.