Low tide windswell



Surf: 3.6 ft at 9.1 s from the NW at 308°. Low side. Light SW to W winds.

After a slightly stressful weekend, I was looking forward to getting in the water again, meh waves or not. Super low tide, but hey, not that many people out.

Brien got tons of waves on Beamer’s 5’10 Taylor. We traded off mushy closeouts for a while. Lots of duck diving practice. You know, making the most of low tide windswell.

I did managed to squeeze some wavey wave time out of the session. There was some turning that happened. That’s exciting. I’m seriously excited every time I turn or link some turns on my fish. It’s nice because it makes meh wave sessions a lot more fun.

I spotted myself on the cams, but the camera panned before I got my top turn in. Ah well. At least I can see I’m pretty close to being in the right spot. I’m the white line closest to the curl. There’s another white line about to drop in on me, but thankfully he pulled back. Whew. 2013-LM-07-08c

In other shortboarding news, this video has been making the rounds. It has a lot of great information about using your fins/back foot to initiate and follow-through turns.

MR’s Surfing Tips #1: Back Foot Pressure from Nathan Richards on Vimeo.