Sun in Santa Cruz


Surf: 9.5 ft at 10.8 s from WNW at 300° Low tide.

I wanted more fish time so I snuck out to Santa Cruz. Rolling up the low tide was a little too low. Like bare rock low. Beamer and I hit breakfast and the hot tub and waited for it to come back up.

The waves were slow and it was tricky to navigate the homeschooler grom stinky-eyeing up the place, but Beamer got lots of nice ones. I paddled and paddled and paddled but only managed one wave.

These one wave sessions in SC are killing me. I want to get better at this fish but it’s so frustrating driving all that way for one wave.

We hit the hot tub again to help my pride recover.

What I lacked in wave catching, I more than made up for in sunburn and hot tub time. Getting ready for Mexico!