
Surf: 6.6 ft at 16.0 s from the W at 273°

It was raining like crazy this morning, but now that I had the right fins, very little was going to stop me from taking the fish out.

I checked the buoys and saw 6.6@16. I checked the beach and saw maybe waist high waves and plenty of flatness. Hmm.

Thankfully there was just enough going on to try out this board.

Paddling: It paddles! It’s not as easy as my bigger boards, sure, but it’s not crazy hard! Yay.
Catching waves: It does this too! It was so small today I was worried I wouldn’t get much, but I got some. Nice.
Duck diving: WAY easier than all my other boards. 6@16 managed to roll on by and I made it under easy peasy.
Turning: I need to learn this! There wasn’t a ton of wave action to really try this, but I can already tell it’s gonna be fun. 😀
Stylin: Oh yeah, it’s styling: