Few short ones




Surf: 5.3 ft at 8.3 s from WNW at 302°

Short period and ranging wildly from small mush waves to bigger push waves, but fun enough for a few short rides. I was really working hard on my fish. I managed to get into a few fun ones. Most of them started off great, then the wave faded under my feet. Aww.

Well, fun enough. I’ll take every surfable day I can get.

Brien got a shot of me doing some of my post-surf chores. I usually soak everything quickly, then dry it all on my car at work. Sadly, we’re losing our parking spaces at the office in May so it looks like I’ll be driving home to drop off gear first. It does mean cleaner gear, but it also means I have to add an extra 45 minutes to my morning routine to fit in bus time back to the office. Still happy I get to surf before work. I’ll take two 45 minute busses before I give that up.