

Surf: 5.3 ft at 14.8 s from the W at 265°. High tide. REALLY high tide.

Happy to have taken my own advice and gone for something a little easier.

Rolling up to the lot, there was only one peak working in the high tide. By time I’d suited up, there must have been 50 people camped on it. The first wave I got was fun, but heart attack inducing as I swooped around people on a nice long right. There were people nearly standing on the sand trying to catch the shorebreak. Yiiiii.

I paddled north to find something a little less crowded. It was bigger (though all of chest high) and either closed out or shorbreak, but I did manage to get something worthwhile.

I walked back to the lot to find that crowded peak was finally reasonable. While approaching 9am, I figured it was worth getting a few more. Happy I paddled back out. I managed to get a couple right and one great little left zipping me all the way to the sand and off to work. Yay.