Sunset bodysurf

Surf: Knee to Shoulder high shorebreak.

Picked up some DaFins before this trip, just for beachies like this. Too whomp to surf (tho there were some local kids picking off rides that ended on dry sand more times than I’d care to take on) but plenty fun on your belly.

Above picture if of Johan bodysurfing a right, and Scott boogie boarding a left. I kinda kept chickening out. I did NOT want a face full off sand. I did finally manage to get some real rides in.

After wearing myself out, I opted for the beach. I peeled off my rashie to find that at some point during thie bodysurf bonanza, I’d scooped up a minnow in my shirt. Poor little dude. Back to the sea you go.

Wonderful dinner. Scott and Steve caught hundreds of pounds of tuna on their fishing expedition. We had tuna steaks, tuna sashimi, tuna sushi, tempura tuna and tuna salad, all on one meal, all deliciously prepared. A-mazing. We listened to the guys tell their sailing and fishing stories till well after the sun went down.


Surf: Knee to waist high. Slow and clean.

Yay! Mexico! Again!

We tacked on a quick surf trip to Jesse’s boyfriend’s fishing trip in Sayulita. The usual house was booked up for a wedding so we stayed at the house of a friend of Jesse’s boyfriend. I’m not sure what I thought Johan’s house would be like, but it’s a full estate. It’s beautiful. We have a little house on the hillside. There’s a little moat to keep out jungle crabs and other crawlies. The main house is amazing. Beautiful views, lovely architecture, amazing.

The only drawback being that we’re not walking distance to Burros. Ahh well, it gave me a change to finally surf Sayulita. The waves were clean and slow, and the crowd pretty mellow. There were a few kids on longboards just tearing it up. Nose ride after nose ride. One little girl was barely big enough to paddle the board and she was still getting waves.

I got lots of fun swooshing rights. Jesse’s friend Scott got a few seconds of me on his gopro (see blurry image above.)

The water is SO hot here. It’s in the upper 80’s. I was cooking in my rashie-suit. Whew.

Other excitement for the day, I was waiting out a lull when I noticed another surfer waving to me. I couldn’t hear him but I say him pointing to the beach, then a Panga out in the water, then the beach again. I got the basic idea that he was telling me to move, so I moved.

The Panga turned, revved and screamed in to the beach. Wow. It looks something like this:

I hadn’t really thought about how they got the Panga’s up there, but (except for some clueless gringo surfers in their way,) it works!