Boogie Boadring

Surf: Waist – Chest high. Disorganized. Warm!

A storm swept through during my first few days back home on the lake. I watched the mid-lake buoy jump from around a foot or two to finally max out at 13ft at 9s. Naturally, I didn’t want anything to do with that kind of ridiculousness.

Wes got a photo of some of those waves hitting the breakwall in the city:

Cool to look at, but after last years pummeling I was happy on land.

When things calmed down a little, Wes and I picked up some boogie boards and goofed off in the shorebreak. Yes, we have life vests on. The rip currents on the lake are fierce and with mom worrying on shore, I was happy to wear one. Plus it’s an extra layer of padding when you slam into the very shallow sandbar. I got a mouth full of sand after skidding along the bottom. Plech.

Water’s warm. About 80°F 😀