Monday Night Surf

Beamer surfing at sunset

Photos by Aaron.

Surf: Waist high with a few closeouts.

After a wonderful last dinner at the house, we waited for the evening glass off. All of us paddled out, even Jesse. We spent the evening cheering her into waves. It’s always fun to watch your friends get stoked!

Aaron shot some video of Beamer surfing in the dark. It turned out really cool. It’s mostly dark with a little patch of sunset, then WOOSh Beamer goes flying by.

I stayed out till the last little bit of sunset was almost gone. Bobbing around waiting for a wave I realized, there were phosphorescent shrimp in the water! They were like little fireflies glowing away. I finally managed to catch one in and we started a bonfire. Lovely end to a great day.

Monday AM boat ride

Photo by Beamer

Surf: Glassy. Waist-Chest high. Awesome.

After surfing only the breaks by the house all week, we finally got to hit another spot. Yeah! And on from a boat! Double yeah!

I’d never surfed from a boat before, so I was pretty excited. We met the captain in the harbor at sunup. He brought us out around the point, dropped us off, and said he’d be back in a couple of hours.

It was beautiful out there. Just the four of us, glassy peeling waves, and the sun coming up over the hills. The waves were super fun. Beamer and Ed got some very stylish rides. I got a few swooshing down the line. I couldn’t have asked for a better morning. The water was so clear.

After an hour or so, another surfer ooched ouched his way across the sharp rocky beach and paddled out with us. Turns out he was from SF.

Just about the time we were wrapping up, another boat pulled up, anchored and folks got out to surf. Valuable lesson learned: you want the boat captain who drops you off to surf alone, not the captain who anchors the boat and hogs all the waves 😉

All and all, great morning. Wrapped with lunch in town and beautiful weather. I love Mexico. 🙂

Thanks for setting us up with the boat, Ed!