Big Sur

From the time I first saw post-cards of Big Sur, I’d wanted to visit. Like many “someday” ideas, I’d put it off. Oh but I have to work, maybe next month, maybe if I have someone to go with me?

My good friend (and amazing photographer buddy) Katie came to SF for a few weeks to visit. What better time to visit Big Sur than the sunny fall with your talented photographer friend.

It was beautiful. Sure, we did only light hikes and probably visited some of the more travelled paths, but for a first trip to Big Sur I can’t imagine anything better. We walked a number of beaches and cliffs, snacked on scones and trail mix, and enjoyed the scenery.

Katie’s pictures are up at: and
They are well worth checking out.

Part of me wanted to bring a surfboard. Much of the coast there is not meant for surfing, but there are a few spots. I didn’t want to make Katie sit on the beach while I attempted breaks I’d never surfed before, so I thought it best to leave the boards at home.

I did hike out to a little point and watch someone else surf the lonely bit of coast. The sun was bright, the water was clear. The black dot out in the lineup struggled to stay on-peak, but was rewarded with a number of smooth chest high waves. He seemed pretty familiar with the spot and it was a pleasure to watch him surf while snacking on dried fruit on the shore.

Thank you, Big Sur, for a lovely weekend.