Zippy Holiday

Surf: Waist to Shoulder high. Plenty of pep.

Crowded, thumping, looked like a mess from the lot but MAN did I have fun. Picked off some good sized waves in the Leftorium with frequent waist high waves rolling through. Plenty of waves held up on the inside right into the closed out shorebreak. WHOMP. Rest of the beach looked like Chest-Head high angry wave soup. A few people were working it for all it was worth though, saw some great rides on the occasional clean shoulder.

Other than that, friendly folks, sunshine, picnic on the beach.

Chris usually spends his weekends with his little daughters so it was quite the treat to get to hang out, eat food, play ukulele and catch up with friendly folk. Blam, Robert and Stefan were out. We ran into a german couple touring the west coast by awesome surf van. Even caught up with Ed, a guy I kooked up every wave infront of a few years ago.

Chris and I drove around and checked out the other beaches doings. Fog had socked in most of the coast below Linda Mar. Lots of happy families out enjoying the coast regardless. Nice day.