Sunset Soup

Surf: Waist-Shoulder high. Sloppy.

I said I wasn’t going to surf today. I’m tired. I was settled in to my day nicely when Blam and Emily said they were heading out.
Well if they were heading out, I guess I should to?

I got down there a little late. It was a mess. Crumbling, closing out. Not pretty. I was really hoping Emily wasn’t out in this slop. I did managed to get one good ride out of it all. That made the paddle out worth it.

Afterwards we had a nice dinner at Blam’s. Got to meet a few new folks including a couple from San Diego who were in the water while I was out. They commented on my no-booties/no-hood style. 😀 I like being able to pretend I’m hard core but it’s summer! Summer is a good time to go without booties!

Dinner was great, fun day.