Sunday in Mexico – Late afternoon

Surf: Waist-Chest High. Windy.

The wind picks up in the afternoons, but we’re really not thrown off. After a winter of howling winds at Lindy, some mild sideshore is nothing.

Didn’t make it all the way to sunset, dinner was calling and the food they are making here is amazing. I’m so stuffed after dinner that I can’t paddle back out. Pretty great to walk off the beach and sit down to a cold margarita and delicious home cooking.

Sunday in Mexico – Mid day: Double Shaka

Photo by Stefan

Surf: Thigh-Chest high. Clean, peeling, mellow.

Wake up. Surf. Eat the most delicious breakfast. Lay in a hammock. Surf more. Off to a pretty good start.

Everyone was getting out in the water for some Mexi-surf. Water was warm, waves were nice and chill. Perfect for goofing off. I blasted Blam a double shaka coming down a nice right. Wheeeee.

It’s so much fun to see your friends stoked. Happy to do nothing but this all week long. 😀

Sunday in Mexico – Early am

Surf: Knee-Waist High, Glassy.

EEEEEEEEE! Waking up in Mexico!!!

I barely slept. I could hear the waves all night. Whenever a set would roll through I’d wake up and think “is the sun up yet? is it time to surf yet?!” 😀

I woke up just after 7 and watched the waves hoping someone else would wake up. It didn’t take too long for my stoke to get the better of me and I paddled out anyway. It was so glassy I could see the fish moving about. It was a little spooky. A couple fish bumped the bottom of my board, but I’d forget about it when the chill little sets would start to come in.

Other folks made it out after a wave or two. Eeeeeeee!! We’re in Mexico!