Warbly, but fun

Surf: Waist – Chest high with some standout cleanup sets.

Misty morning with low winds, pink hues, and some fun waves. I had some plenty fun waves and a ridiculous wipe out that left me cut up and a little sprained. The waves were going from mushy to jacked up to mushy and I managed to paddle for a manageable wave while it was mushy only to have it pitch me into a free fall. Looks like I punched the tail of my board trying to get it under control as I was coming down. Caught the find with my pinky and jammed the rest of my fingers. Ouch.

Didn’t stop me from getting a few more really fun rides in, but it took FOREVER to get out of my wetsuit. I couldn’t really grab a hold of anything without being able to use my left hand so it was a good 15 min of awkward hopping. >_< Made it out tho!