Mellow Waveshare

Surf: Waist High and mellow. Some larger waves holding up, some closing out.

One nice thing about staying sheltered is the morning crew. Friendly folks happy so share waves and hoot for each other. I got called in to a few waves to share them with other folks. Plenty fun.

On one wave I spotted a slumped over something towards the shore. When I kicked out, I paddled over to see it was a big doe eyed harbor seal looking for snacks in the rocks. Paddled back out, not thinking anything of it. About when I got settled in the lineup, another surfer said “I see you have a friend today!” Just a few feet away from my board was that same doe eye harbor seal give me the “whatchoodoing” face. He followed me the whole way out and hung around for a while while we surfed. Crazy little dudes.