Half Moon Bay


Surf: Waves were about 1-3ft, inconsistent, breaking pretty steeply, little wind so the conditions seemed pretty clean.

Finally got out to try a different break. Surfergrrrl took me out at Kelly Ave in Half Moon Bay. Everything that could go wrong getting out there did so I wound up a good 30-45 min late. When I got there Surfergrrrl had the beach all to herself with some pelicans and sea lions for company.

I’m definitely not completely over this cough and cold thing, I was huffing and puffing trying to catch anything. I pearled on most waves and a couple I just couldn’t paddle fast enough without wheezing. I did get one ride, so I’m happy. Nothing especially clean and pretty much straight in to shore, but after a week locked up in an office and another week laid up in bed I was super happy to be in the water!