Back in Pacifica


Conditions: 1-3ft. Glassy, peaky lines with soft/mushy corners looking semi-workable to the beach.

The mellow little waves followed me home!

Sure it looked pretty flat out there, but I got in some nice long rides on little waves. Jamie and I found a nice spot that, with a LOT of patience, set us up for a few 2-3 ft waves with both lefts and rights. High tide and an unwillingness to let go of the wave meant most of the rides ended abruptly at the beach. Jamie got a few rolling dismounts into the sand. I didn’t get anything that graceful.

El Niño has been forcing Anchovies and Sea Lions up north making the bay area waters extremely active. We had dive bombing pelicans and probably about a dozen or so sea lions around us. It’s a little spooky! Unfriendly fin sightings have been up in Ocean Beach and with Shark Week on the Discovery Channel, everyone’s a bit jumpy.

I snapped this pic of a sea lion near my board:


Not very friendly looking…