Morning surf in Lahaina

Maui Morning

Me in Maui

Wes at Lahaina

Conditions: 1-3ft. Clean, light offshore flow.

We were so stoked after Tuesday’s sesh we just HAD to snag a few more waves before the flight. I managed to get a 9’6 softop, still slow, but a little better.

The morning was much less crowded. Waves were still sweet, easy to catch, and fun to ride. This was Wes’s first time trying to catch a wave on his own. He did a great job. He caught almost all the waves he went for, got clean rides in, and did a good job respecting other surfers by taking turns on the waves. Sounds like a solid start to a surf career right there. 😀

All and all, great day. Wonderful waves, friendly people, beautiful scenery, WARM water, blue skies…
I can’t wait to go back!