Dawn Patrol with the New Board!

Washing the boards off after a great morning out!

2-3 ft.+ knee to chest high and fair – conditions.

This morning’s dawn patrol: Mostly peaky lines with soft/crumbly shoulders that are workable (mainly for a bigger board). Slight texture to the surface.

First day out on my 9’4″ Stewart Hydro Hull!

Took the new board out today! We did an early morning surf session. Got down to to beach around 6:45 and surfed till 9. Conditions were great, slow, clean, some bigger waves. Dolphins, whales, and sea lions were all hanging out in the cove, checking us surfers out.

The new board is wonderful. It paddles really fast. I caught a few waves, got one almost clean ride in. It will take some getting used to, but I’m so excited to have a board! <3