Adventures up the Coast, Hometown surfing


Surf Report:
3-4 ft. waist to chest high with occasional 5 ft. and poor-fair conditions.
This morning’s dawn patrol: It’s glassy, but looking mostly closed out again this morning, with a few makeable corners here and there.

Pacifica’s been flat and I’ve been traveling around Cali quite a bit lately (Tahoe! The Coast!) so I haven’t had many opportunities to surf. Today was a great, sunny day to be out. I’m a little out of practice so no clean rides for me. Instead lots of falling and goofing off with my friends in the lineup. Vi and I had a seaweed fight.

My pictures from the coast are much more exciting, so feel free to check those out instead.

Sonoma Coast State Beach - Marshall Gulch

Jagged coastline of Point Arena

Ocean Medows Beach

Agate Beach