Warm and Sunny Bay to Breakers weekend


2-3 ft.+ with occasional 4 ft. and fair conditions. Soft, weak waves on tap this afternoon. Expect inconsistent waist-chest high surf with a few larger sets at the standout spots. Winds are still mostly light, but onshore flow builds later.

This morning’s dawn patrol: Glassy lines staying semi-walled and sectiony with a few workable inside shoulders.

Got a few people together for pre-bay to breakers surfing. The waves were small, but it was a little tough of a paddle to be teaching on today. I got my new surfer out into the lineup and we practiced paddling and turning the board around to face the shore. I only caught one wave for the day, but man, when it’s 85 degrees in San Fran, there’s no better place to be. 😀

Extra beer and pizza afterwards.