Making Friends with the Wildlife

Conditions: 2-3 ft – knee to waist high and fair conditions. Fun, semi-peaky lines with workable shoulders. High tide left things pretty flat around 3 pm.

Gear: 9’2″ NSP Epoxy.

The project I’m working on got pushed back a week. I found myself with a clear week of no daytime olbigations and semi decent surf. What’s a girl to do but get out there.

I headed down to Pacifica on a beautiful warm day to find it socked in with fog. Cold and foggy, I spent almost 2 hours with the folks at NorCal looking at boards. They gave me even more to think about. Man, I’ve got a lot to decidine on. Do I want to pay as much for a locally shaped board as a big name brand? The guy there picked out a few that matched my height and weight with what I intend to do and the durability I want. Some decent choices. More hemming and hawwing on my end.

Surfwise, I got out late after checking out boards. The high tide and the mellow swell meant a lot of waiting. I didn’t get that many waves. Really close but man, my triceps were sore. I mostly practiced my knee paddling and chatted with folks out there. A kid from Denver only on his fourth day surfing, a few folks talking about the weather, a guy buying his first board in 35 years, and a guy going up the cali coast on a motorcycle. Best of all, I hung out with a seal for a little bit.

This is similar to the guy I saw, but thanks to, it’s way more cute.

Lil guy was adorable. I was torn between AWWWW and AAAAAA SHOO. With a little seal smile and cute wink, it’s easy to forget these guys are wild animals and shark bait. It’s the first seal I’ve seen surfing, so that was kinda cool.

I’m so sore now, so tired.

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