How can a company tailor its blog to address several audiences while encouraging dialogue on its product?
As social networking sites and services become more commonplace, the higher education community often struggles with adapting to the digital environment in which student interact. Inigral, creators of Schools on Facebook, seeks to help universities embrace social networking by creating safe, custom environments on the Facebook platform in which students can connect with others in their academic community. This provides universities with an opportunity to enrich their student community through social networking.
The Inigral blog serves to inform a variety of audiences within the higher education community as to the potential of social networking and the various services Inigral can provide. To allow users to easily access articles related to their specific user group, we created a navigation based on the target audiences. Want to see how Schools on Facebook can help increase attendance to sporting events? Check out the Athletics section. It’s a simple, straightforward method of navigation.
For this project I worked closely with the director of communications to decide what content should be displayed and how. I created mock-ups to discuss content and methods of interaction with the team. I created visual assets based on Inigral’s branding style. I built the site using css, html and php around the wordpress content management system. At the end of the project, I created a brief guide explaining to blog contributors how to utilize the variety of features I built in to the custom theme.